Sunday, August 01, 2010

Twelve-step programs

They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. Maybe that's my difficulty. I can see that I have a condition, a situation. Most of me thinks it's not really a big problem, though. Yesterday I bought 5 books from Savers. I am excited to read them. I already started The World is Flat. I weeded out 3 or 4 other interesting looking books just on principle. Mostly because my mom was with me and asked where I was going to keep all these books. Luckily my cousin was there and asked for one I was going to buy but had already read. I decided to share the joy.

So. Do I start attending Book Buyers Anonymous? I just don't ever see how more books can be a bad thing. Even in Texas, when I realized that I would have to cart all those heavy things back to Utah, I considered the difficulties and bought books anyway.


  1. I don't see anything wrong with buying books. There are worse things you can spend money on. So forge on, I say!

  2. yes, carrying a few boxes of books into your home is one thing, but 50 boxes of books to carry is certainly another.

    But then the argument: "But, it's not me carrying them, it's the elder's quorum!" To which I say: "Very on, buy on dear old muncie"

  3. It's the worst when you have so many books that there's nothing else to buy, and then you start wanting to buy a second or third copy of a book you already own, just because the cover is so pretty.

  4. It's only a bad thing when you move! We decided that if we didn't have so many books and so much food storage, moving would be pretty easy! What other books did you buy?
