Friday, April 13, 2012

"I don't get you, but I want to."

This post, as you may not have guessed from the title, is about Pinterest. I have been intrigued by the idea of Pinterest, so I investigated. My investigation left me slightly frustrated when I signed up for a membership invite, or something.

Weeks later, after no notification that I had been selected for membership in that exclusive club, I was ready to give it all up. Then something else (can't remember what) piqued my curiosity again. I asked my friend janeheiress for an invite, and she came through in a major way.

I signed up, but hated that it had to connect to either Facebook or Twitter. I quickly removed my link to Facebook, because the thought made me a little ill and started exploring. I learned that I regretted signing up for Pinterest. I had a mild loathing for it and how it works.

I hated that to pin something requires several steps, including my own comment. My most common comment: " ". (That's a single space.)

Soon I decided that I must pin things that I didn't see much of on the main page when I logged in. Soon I was manically pinning xkcd comics and animals from the cheezburger network.

Over the next week, what followed was-to me-a surprising amount of attention from people I didn't know. Every woman who loves animals (actually like 10 women) was repinning my cute animal pictures and several others repinned my comics. Some people I don't know started following me, and several started following one of my 3 main pinboards. I felt popular. Also, strangely proud of my work. Is this mild explosion of repinning what everyone experiences?

I am confused and intrigued by the phenomenon that is pinterest. I would tell you to find me, but I'm not sure how.