Wednesday, July 01, 2009

iPod Shuffle

So...I've been thinking maybe I should design for Apple. I think that they do well with the minimalist shuffle, but I think there's room for improvement.

Right now the shuffle is a very small box with very simplistic controls. What if it was just an earbud? This is a serious question. Wouldn't it be nice not to have the wires connecting the earbuds to the little box getting in the way of things? There could even be two earbuds, and a controller that stays in a pocket or as a ring on your finger or something, all connected by bluetooth. The thing is, the flash memory for the music doesn't actually take up that much space. Look at the old shuffle, it's basically a box barely big enough to have a familiar user interface. I think this idea could turn into something awesome.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Every once in a while, but especially lately, I have questions that I would ask my dad, were he here. They are questions that I generally won't ask anyone else because they won't know. Here are some recent questions:

Where should I look for lizards in Lubbock? The road runner in the parking lot seems to know, but I don't.

Who is the Angel Raphael?

You once told me your views on evolution. Were they influenced by Henry Eyring's book, The Faith of a Scientist? If so, do you own it?

What kind of tarantulas live in this area and are they dangerous?