Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It bugs me when I use the restroom here at the Cropping Systems Research Lab and there are soap drips and water droplets all over the counter. It's so easy to clean up after ourselves, why don't we do it? I have found myself wiping off the whole counter and the sinks with my paper towel after I dry my hands. As I have done this, it has occurred to me that this is something old people do. When did I become an old person? I digress.

As many (ie: 3 of the 4 people who read this blog) of you know, I'm a regular reader of the no impact man blog. Today his post talked about how he jaywalked and people followed him and almost got hit by a car for their trusting behavior. He mentioned that whether we expect it to happen or not, people will follow our examples. My point is, if we do the basic actions expected of responsible adults, maybe people will follow our examples. Maybe the sinks will be clean next time I use the restroom.