Sunday, August 01, 2010

Twelve-step programs

They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. Maybe that's my difficulty. I can see that I have a condition, a situation. Most of me thinks it's not really a big problem, though. Yesterday I bought 5 books from Savers. I am excited to read them. I already started The World is Flat. I weeded out 3 or 4 other interesting looking books just on principle. Mostly because my mom was with me and asked where I was going to keep all these books. Luckily my cousin was there and asked for one I was going to buy but had already read. I decided to share the joy.

So. Do I start attending Book Buyers Anonymous? I just don't ever see how more books can be a bad thing. Even in Texas, when I realized that I would have to cart all those heavy things back to Utah, I considered the difficulties and bought books anyway.