Monday, August 03, 2009

Hypochondria - a state of being

I seem to be sick a lot, just ask those who see me on a frequent basis. I spend time in bed, wondering if I'm making it all up. Maybe it's all in my head and I'm not really ill. In the past few months I have lost 10 pounds. I am happy about this, as my clothes fit a bit better, but it is also a trifle worrying. Apparently some friends consider me "sickly," while I consider myself strong, just frequently ill. What is the cause of my frequent illness?

Sometimes I try to figure out why I'm always ill on webmd. As you may guess, this does little to quell hypochondriacal thoughts. So far, I have become convinced that I have diabetes, an ulcer, IBS, appendicitis (funny, I've had my appendix out), a urinary tract infection, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, seasonal allergies, some sort of viral syndrome (mono?), poor stress management techniques, a benign lipoma, and multiple cancers.


  1. are you catching terminal diseases from your computer terminal?

    Interesting that that is about the same age I developed my little stomach issues that no dr could figure out...and lost weight. hmm...

    I think it's stress management. that's what mine was.

  2. "terminal diseases from your computer terminal"--hahaha!

    You know I'm joking when I call you sickly, right? You have had an inordinate amount of stress lately, and don't seem to release it all that much. Maybe your body is rebelling.

    Or maybe you're just allergic to West Texas.

    I, on the other hand, consider myself a wimpy noodle, but am rarely ill.

  3. At least you've been able to avoid the mental illnesses thus far. That seems to be what ails me. I'm autistic, bipolar, have ADD, and even have an illness in which one pulls ones hair out that I heard my aunt talking about once.
