Monday, July 13, 2009

My moral dilemma

I have been planning what I will do when I finally finish my master's degree. Some of these things involve celebrating extensively, getting a job, buying a house, getting a dog, being a bum, and buying a car. I think I pretty much know what I'm looking for in each of these things. For example:

House: small, cheap, large trees, fenced yard. Preferably over 50 years old.

Dog: large, low shedding, easy to train, some protective tendencies.

Job: pays money. Is in Utah (preferably Utah Valley).

The exception is "car." I will most likely need a car, and I firmly believe that cars should be fuel efficient. I drive a Geo Metro right now, but that will be staying in Texas. The problem is that my dream car is an older model Jeep Wrangler, one of the most fuel-inefficient cars on the market. I have been rationalizing the desire by thinking about my future job. I am a soil scientist (saying that sounds pretentious, but I think it might be an accurate statement), and my ideal job involves visiting rural areas with questionable roads. So a Jeep would be a good choice, right? My sister has abetted the justification process by pointing out that a Jeep would be extremely useful when visiting places like Spiral Jetty, and my imagination immediately took me to the San Rafael Swell. It would be so useful! I think the justifications fit. Maybe I can have two cars....


  1. first of want to be a car? (hey, you're always criticizing my grammar)

    second: you could get a scooter in addition to your jeep. then you can be fuel efficient when you want and high clearance when you want.

  2. not sure I understand the initial part of the comment...a scooter is a good idea!

  3. heh...nice. you sneakily fixed it.

  4. I have no advice for you. I'm in a similar pickle myself. Subaru Outback or Toyota Camry. Rugged? Practical? Good thing I have 4 or 5 years to make the decision.

  5. could go with an SUV that is more fuel-efficient than a jeep...i.e. a Rav4. I get 25 mpg on average and have topped out at 32 at one point.

  6. A very good suggestion! The unfortunate thing is that there are very few other SUV's I'm even interested in buying. I know. It's messed up.
