Monday, February 09, 2009

Foot in Mouth Disease

Lately it seems that I always say the wrong thing. Take yesterday for example, I started off the morning by saying awkward things to my roommates. Then I asked a friend a personal question in front of a lot of people. Then I went to lunch, where I couldn't even seem to form a complete sentence. Then, I betrayed a confidence, forgot to bring things I had promised people, and once again, couldn't form a complete sentence.

At church, I feel obligated to talk to people; it's my job to help people feel welcome and loved. I'm afraid that I just go around offending them. So...I guess I am saying that I think maybe I should not be allowed to talk to people any more. Maybe that way they won't get offended and leave the church.

That sounds pitiful, and it's not entirely true that I don't think I should talk to people at all, it's just that I need to learn to think before I speak. Thinking in general sometimes seems a bit beyond my grasp. Any suggestions on how to go about this?


  1. apparently, you didn't see today's How to of the day:

    You're just one step ahead of everyone, is all.

  2. I feel ya! I'm not the most tactful person either, as you so aptly pointed out last night by saying, "that sounds like something I would say!"

    For the record, I was more surprised than embarrassed when you asked me that question. I seriously thought you were just joking at first, because although I didn't mind any of the girls in the room hearing it, I thought it odd in the middle of a RS Presidency Meeting!

    Don't worry about offending people; when you do it with such smiles and good will, they won't even realize...or they won't realize they realize--it's like the flashing frames in movies that put thoughts into your head without you even realizing what you saw. Therefore, someone may leave the church from offense, but they won't even know it was you who offended them! There, does that make you feel better?

  3. If you're having a hard time forming complete sentences maybe you just have a brain tumor. Then its not really your fault, and more tragic than offensive. My best advice is to avoid magnets. All the best!

  4. hmm. Brain could be. I think they could be heredetary. Thanks for the advice!

  5. PS-I think you should invite me to read your blog...

  6. Yes, definitely avoid magnets. And just keep talking. It's amazing how much better you get when you just keep talking... either that or people stop listening. And I want in on Aubrey's blog too.

  7. My blog? Oh yeah, I started one of those once before I remembered that I don't write. I can invite you, although you may be disappointed. Or maybe this will give me sufficient motivation to take down the happy holidays background paper...

  8. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying what you think. Sure a few people get offended and you won't have any friends, but at least you're being honest right?
