Thursday, March 23, 2006

Carnival of the Animals, Teen Titans, and typing in bed....
I've got to talk about some things to love. Everyone needs to learn to enjoy the simple things, right? So today I was working on homework and listening to one of my favorite CD's: several works by Saint-Saens. When it came to Carnival of the Animals, it was just so great! I love that piece. And I think you all know which animal is my favorite, (Jon: it should be yours, too) the Elephants!!! They are portrayed by basses!
Also, just a few minutes ago, my roommate called my name and said she had a present for me. It was a Teen Titans bracelet!!! Someone left it as a tip for one of her friends at Brick Oven, and she grabbed it because she knew I liked that show! (Maybe I should be gushing about thoughtful roommates, instead of cartoon shows)
Finally, even though it's not always the most comfortable, isn't it great to be in bed, working on homework or just surfing the net? That's where I am right now, and I am happily reclining against my pillow with my down comforter over me, my Teddy bear under my arm, listening to the swan as I type my blog. I think I will always type my blog right before bed, it's great.
Yay!!! The finale!!! It always makes me think of what happens if you give a yo-yo to a flamingo.


  1. what does happen if you give a yoyo to a flamingo?
    watch out for those elephants...they're hard to ignore if they're sitting in the corner of your living room....

  2. Go elephants! Basses too!
    I wish I had cool roommates that gave me teen titans bracelets...well, teen titans stuff anyway. Can't wait to see it.

  3. For those who aren't in the know, watch fantasia 2000 to find out what happens if you give a yo-yo to a flamingo.

  4. Mmm...that's the beauty of a laptop, is it not? That you can be in the comfort of your wonderful bed and still e-mail or chat to people. Bliss.

    So, this is random but I found out today so I'm telling you this way. Apparently, unbeknowst to me, (which is almost unheard of as it is) Mali actually is the Welsh form of Molly. Is that not the coolest thing you have ever heard?! Woo, go me!

  5. Hey Mali!
    That is cool! Congrats!
