Friday, November 18, 2011

Nerd Alert

I am feeling pretty nerdy today, what with a second experiment supporting the possibility of faster than light travel. I feel like this is a good time to mention a realization that I had.

Let me preface this by mentioning that I have always had a hard time remembering my age. Whenever I start to get the hang of it, it changes! So I always look for ways to easily remember my age. 24 and 25 were great years. 24 is made up of lovely numbers like 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12. It's just easy to remember. 25 was even better! A square number!

26 was unmemorable. Sure, it was two times a prime number, but still no fun. As I was driving down the street the other day I was thinking about 27 and how it's also totally unmemorable, when suddenly I realized that 3 time 3 is nine, and nine times 3 is 27! My age is a cubed number!! I also realized that the next time this will happen is when I turn 64. That's a long time away. However, I realized my mom turns 64 in a couple of months. I think we need to have a party to celebrate this momentous occasion. Maybe we should wait until my nephew turns 8 in March.


  1. but I'll also be 33 in June...!

  2. I wish I'd known that when I was 27! Then I might not have felt so bad about being thrust into my late 20s.

    On a tangential note, I decided to look up your birthday on Facebook because I don't remember wishing you happy birthday (happy belated Birthday!). Before even making it to FB first, I started typing "Jenny J..." into my browser address bar. Oh, how technology spoils us!

  3. cubed party baby! it was a cool party, cool cubed party. La la la la!

    Sounds like a great idea to me!

  4. And I'm 24! . . . or does that not count? I'm sorry I can't be as nerdy as you.

  5. 24 is a good age. 4 and 6 multiplied make probably my favorite number.
