Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Five Earth Day Faux Pas

I am a big fan of Earth Day. I just didn't spend it in such a way as would show I actually care. There are some things that are good that I do every day. I always drive a fuel efficient car. I always try to consume less. Here are my five not-so Earth Day-y things I did.

1. Ran computers all day. Every time I was sitting down, it seems, I was running a computer. They are quite the power hogs!

2. Ate at a restaurant where styrofoam reigns supreme. Also, I don't know where these ingredients came from. If they came from very far, then they are very environmentally unfriendly.

3. Ate Dominoes pizza. Once again. Who knows where the ingredients came from?

4. Drove everywhere. I mean, everywhere. No car pooling, no bike riding, no nothing. This is closely related to

5. Went for a drive. I never go for a drive, but yesterday the wanderlust seized me. I drove as far as possible until I got too scared my car would blow up.


  1. yeah, the geo has never blown up before, but I think it could be persuaded to if driven far enough.

    btw... day-y? And you criticized my "it's"?

  2. using an apostrophe incorrectly is vastly different from using poetic license

  3. I find the 'fuel efficient car' that may or may not blow up to be something of a conundrum.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The fuel efficiency of my car has nothing to do with its relative safety. It's really old and rickety, even though it still gets almost 40 mpg.

  6. Yes but to tout it's fuel efficiency when it may or may not kill you seems a bit silly.

  7. She's got a point there, judge.
