Monday, January 29, 2007

I have been asked by a few people what is up with grad school. While it is true that fewer people actually read my blog than ask me about my future, I will let those three blog readers know what's going on.

I have only applied to two schools. I know it seems bad, but since both schools have said that they want me, I'm not really worried. Maybe I should be. The two schools are Texas Tech and Penn State. At Texas I'd be studying wind erosion. I would have my own office and my foot in the door of the ARS, a government agency connected with the USDA. I would get some money and have out of state tuition waived. At Penn State, I would live in much more beautiful surroundings, get a little (but not a lot) less money, but have all tuition waived. There I would study soil physics and physical properties. At Texas Tech I would study soil physical properties as they relate to wind erosion. I am really leaning toward Texas Tech, but we shall see how my visit to Penn State in a couple of weeks goes.


  1. stuff. Let me know what you decide when you decide. :D


  2. This is great info to know.
