Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Well all-
This post is for all of my family who think I am behind the times. For anyone else who my stumble across is a small explanation. All but one of my siblings have blogs. They have been urging me to get one, also. I find this a little funny because some of them (Bobby) have not posted since they first signed up. Oh well. I don't really have much to write about. I am in college. My major may bore most people. I feel like all I have to write about is fertilizer (literally- that was my most recent class today).
Soo...since most blogs are opinion pages, here's something I wonder about all the time: What is with "Organic" food? I have taken Organic Chemistry. I know the definition of the word "organic." I think most people do. (For those who don't, "organic" simply refers to any chemical compound that is based around carbon.) All food is organic (with a few exceptions, like hot dogs and twinkies :P). If it weren't, it would not be food. There are some people who think that organic foods that have not been genetically altered or spatially challenged are the way to go. But I say, instead of spending a lot of money on things like organic pears and free range chicken, why don't we spend money on feeding the world. Some people are so worried about what is "Natural," or about animal rights that they forget the natural affections we should have for our own species. Shouldn't our number one priority be to feed the world a balanced diet? If so, we should do everything we can to bring about that goal, and then consider how we can make life more comfortable for the other species living on the planet.
This may seem like I am against anything environmental. On the contrary. I am all about reducing, reusing, and recycling. I just think that we should start out with reducing the number of human deaths due to starvation (as always, we should do it wisely) first. so, what do you say?


  1. Hi Jo!

    Your opinion is sound, although you give short shrift to the opinion of those on the other side.

    They would agree with you that "as always, we should do it wisely". And they would add that GM (genetically-modified) and herbicide-treated food is not wise, because the possible health effects of these foods have not been adequately investigated.

    In other words, is it better to be safe than sorry, or is it better to be quick than safe?

    So, having said that, I'll let you conjecture what my opinion of the matter is...

  2. as always, rob, you are right. I didn't give a very well-constructed debate.

  3. Interesting take, I must say. And yes, it is very important for us to have a concern for the welfare of the entire world, not just focusing on things that if truly scrutinized might prove to be less than important *cough* who wins american idol *cough*. Okay, granted, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with what you were talking about but I find myself caring about things that really REALLY don't matter. But that's just me.

    Anyhoo...hurray for blogs. I should post on mine again but I've been trying to sort things out with my book. I guess that's literatically challenging too, right? Or something. I swear I'm making up words.

  4. Ho Jo!

    Your debate was constructed fine...

    I was just offering another view.

    Yay for Guatemala!

  5. I would say that most people who adhere to an "organic" diet do so in oposition to the non-organic compounds that are so often used to try to create more and bigger produce. They do so with the belief that the non-organic compounds used are often extremely harmful to the surrounding environment, and therefore, in the long run, society is worse off for using these non-organic compounds to try to create more and bigger produce, even if that more and bigger produce were intended to help feed the world's poor and starving populace.

    Unfortunately, the reality of the matter is that most produce that has been raised in a non-organic way, is not used to feed the world's starving any more than organic food is. So the non-organic methods of farming are just destroying our environment and hurting people, without really making up for it in any substantial way.

    And the genetically modified part of the organic debate is so new that organic had already caught on.

    Those are my thoughts.
